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Are you a person looking for a no BS, down to earth, tarot program that will actually show you the energetic pathways of the tarot once and for all?

Sweet titties, baby! You have found the right spot, ‘cause Reclaiming the Tarot; a love letter to the Tarot is back in action baby!

This is the sixth (!!!) time I am offering this program, and I am SO EXCITED 🎉 to teach it in all its new shiny glory after being lovingly tended for and rejuvenated after each iteration of the program.

In our 12-weeks together you’ll go from

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If you’re bing-bang-boom ready baby, skip this shit, and scroll straight on to the bottom!

Need more info?

(I would too, because me, myself, and I? The holy trinity that is Stace is an information SLUT.)

Read on my tarot-curious-but-purchase-critical compadre!

I built this course for us, because ✨ I am you✨

I spent my early life struggling through tarot resources that were seemingly ancient, very white washed, heteronormative, ablest, and not at all trauma informed, to try and wrangle in my tarot skills and knowledge.

What I found was shockingly exclusive, and extremely dated. (Like, bro, why does the lovers always gotta mean marriage?! what if i’m already married? there had GOTTO BE MORE TO IT !!!!)

So I went looking.